All I want
Och så tänker jag på att det är himla tur att jag har fina vänner jag saknat här, blommande syréner och en syster som bakar cupcakes. Nu ska jag sova, puss och god natt.
Back in Sweden everything became complicated and difficult. But in the middle of the night as it is, I enjoy online window shopping online instead of dealing with life. Like things on the pictures.
And then I think that I am lucky to have nice friends that I have missed here, blooming lilacs and a sister who bakes cupcakes. Now I am going to sleep, kisses and good night.
Oh, it's happening, I'm falling in, giving in, feels so good

Saying it out loud; head over heels.
Lägesrapport #2
Nu ska jag inte slösa bort mer tid här, utan gå och bita en viss person i tårna. Han har sovit på tok för länge. Puss!
Back in Phoenix again, and time is passing awfully fast. We finished the stay in San Diego with a swim in the Pacific and pizza to American History X. Tonight we are hopefully going out to do some dirtbiking and then it is pasta-party - woop woop!
Now I wont waste any more time here, I am going to bite a certain someone's toes. He has slept far too long. Kiss!
In Amerikatt
I am right now in San Diego, California, and life feels amazing. We spent a few hot days in Phoenix and then made a roadtrip through the desert to the coast. Almost everything here is completely different, but something else just feels right. We just fit.
In a little less than a week we've been to a baseball game, been watching stars from the desert, seen Pirates of the Caribbean (because I missed a bit of the movie the first time I saw it ... but sleeping on movie theater seats is surprisingly nice), been visiting an olive farm, on a roadtrip through almost majestic sand dunes, cuddling and been socializing with friends and family. Remaining on the schedule is surfing, dirtbiking and camping on the beach. Living life? Hell yeah.
Time for take of
Ha det underbart nu mina vänner, för det ska jag ha. Puss!
Now my friends, I lift my hat and wave goodbye to Sweden for a little while, a new continent is waiting for me and I can hardly wait. The plane to Chicago lifts in four hours and I just know how good the end of May will be.
Have a wonderful time now my friends, because I will. Kiss
Happy graduation!

Happy graduation!
A few days ago, my good friend Dustin finally graduated collages, the plan was that I would be there and celebrate with him- but when the flight prices flew into the roof, we postponed it a little week, until tomorrow. My plane leaves to Arizona around ten and then it's celebration all week - but until then I him send a small congratulation here.
Happy graduation!
All I want
Fredagen den 13:de och tur i oturen
Nu mår ögat bättre och jag tänkte bara slänga in ett snabbt tack till Andreas som alltid finns där när jag ringer och hysteri-gråter i telefonen, och till min finaste syster som ställde in fredagsplanerna för att sitta på akuten med mig. Fina fina finaste.
Tusen kramar till er
Friday was spent at work with a bunch of nice people, the sun was shining and everything just felt nice. On my way home, I just quickly said to myself that the bad luck that's supposed to happen on Friday the 13th had been luck for me, this two seconds before I crash the car with beer bottles, broken pieces of glass flies in the air and up into my eye. Pure panic and I ran up to the eye wash, ran toward the health center at the airport which was closed for the evening (!), was a little hysterical when I realized there was still glass in his eye but managed after a lot of troubles to go to Uppsala and the hospital. The eye was washed, the glass disappeared (I hope anyway!), the doctors researched it a million times and finally I was able to go home and crash in the bed.
Now the eye feels better and I just wanted to throw in a quick thank you to Andreas who is always there when I call and cry hysterical on the phone, and to my beautiful sister who canceled her Friday plans to be with me at the hospital. You're the best.
Thousands of hugs to you
När jag blir stor ska vi bo bland molnen
A day off in the middle of the week and everything just seems to happen today. A lot going on in short time, but in this blossoming paradise you find energy for almost everything. On today's agenda is lunch with my aunt, a call to Germany, an ensemble performance, work out, beer on Orvar's and some other less fun stuff you have to deal with sometimes. Time is just flying and soon it's the 19th. Geez, I can not wait. I like life, it feels amazing now.
Blommande häggar och sjungande hjärtan
It's so insanely beautiful outside now, my friends, so beautiful that I get happy all the way into my soul when I go outside. The haggberry smells like a dream, the lilac flowers are blossoming, people are making out in the parks and I just love everything, falling in love with everything. Listening to bubbly Swedish music and bubbles just as much as the champagne we drank at Castle Hill last night. Ah, spring.
Dagens pussar

Sophia för att hon är allmänt fin

Frida för att vi är så himla bra tillsammans (och för att jag älskar den här bilden lite)

Lisa för att långa samtal om pojkar och livet med henne gör mig glad

Och till min fina syster för att hon är grymmast i världen.
Today's kisses goes to Sophia, Frida, Lisa and to my beautiful sister.
Today I don't feel like doing anything
Man bara älskar aporna. Åh, jisses jag skrattar fortfarande.
Något säger mig att jag blir borta en lång lång tid
Nu sätter jag ihop spellistor på Grooveshark och tänker på hur bra bra bra hösten kommer att bli. Livet är inte så dumt alla gånger, nu ska bara de där små värdsliga pusselbitarna dit och sedan, sedan. Puss
Tillbaka till verkligheten
Tried to hide it so that no one knows, but I guess it shows when you look into my eyes

Jag kommer, jag kommer, jag kommer, jag kommer - jag är nästan där
Efter några dagar på svensk mark har jag åter bekantat mig med tillvaron. Efter testunder med Aurora, "Knight and Day" med syster, äppelkaka från fina vänner som tittar in, telefonsamtal och kanske framför allt en bokad resa till USA känns allt ljusare igen. Och Ghana försvinner ju faktiskt ingenstans, tids nog kommer jag tillbaka. Nu ska jag avnjuta en skål med youghurt och lyssna på Veronica Maggio, vi hörs i krokarna! Puss
Satan i gatan
Hands down Maggio, mitt i prick.