När jag blir stor ska vi bo bland molnen
Ledig dag mitt i veckan och bara allt har bestämt sig för attt hända idag. Mycket som ska in på kort tid, men i det här blomsterparadiset orkar man det mesta. På dagens agenda står lunch med faster, ett samtal med Tyskland, ett ensemble-framträdande, träning, öl på Orvars och annat lite mindre kul man måste ta itu med. Tiden bara springer iväg för mig och snart är det den 19, jisses jag kan inte vänta. Jag gillar livet, det känns fint nu.
A day off in the middle of the week and everything just seems to happen today. A lot going on in short time, but in this blossoming paradise you find energy for almost everything. On today's agenda is lunch with my aunt, a call to Germany, an ensemble performance, work out, beer on Orvar's and some other less fun stuff you have to deal with sometimes. Time is just flying and soon it's the 19th. Geez, I can not wait. I like life, it feels amazing now.
A day off in the middle of the week and everything just seems to happen today. A lot going on in short time, but in this blossoming paradise you find energy for almost everything. On today's agenda is lunch with my aunt, a call to Germany, an ensemble performance, work out, beer on Orvar's and some other less fun stuff you have to deal with sometimes. Time is just flying and soon it's the 19th. Geez, I can not wait. I like life, it feels amazing now.