Happy graduation!
För någon dag sedan gick min fina vän Dustin äntligen ut collage, planen var att jag skulle vara där och fira - men då flygpriserna flög i taket sköt vi upp det en liten vecka, nämligen tills i morgon. Vid tiosnåret sätter jag mig på ett plan tilll Arizona och då ska det firas - men först slänger jag in ett litet grattis här.
Happy graduation!
A few days ago, my good friend Dustin finally graduated collages, the plan was that I would be there and celebrate with him- but when the flight prices flew into the roof, we postponed it a little week, until tomorrow. My plane leaves to Arizona around ten and then it's celebration all week - but until then I him send a small congratulation here.
Happy graduation!
Happy graduation!
A few days ago, my good friend Dustin finally graduated collages, the plan was that I would be there and celebrate with him- but when the flight prices flew into the roof, we postponed it a little week, until tomorrow. My plane leaves to Arizona around ten and then it's celebration all week - but until then I him send a small congratulation here.
Happy graduation!