I'm on a boat motherfucker, take a look at me!
Igår lyfte vi hatten och vinkade adjö till Sverige för några timmar. Jag, Dustin, Lotta och Lisa tog en busstur till Kapellskär och sedan båten till Mariehamn. Vår käre amerikanare hade glömt passet hemma, så att gå i land på Åland vågade vi inte - men banne mig att vi var på finskt vatten och mysigt hade vi på båten ändå!

Sommarvärme, saltvattenstänk, glada miner och vinden blåste liv i ett sömnigt hjärta medan vi passerade de sötaste små öarna.

Tax free-godis, café, en liten tripp och en enastående utsikt - mys.

Och så var det med det lilla äventyret, puss.
Yesterday we waved goodbye to Sweden for a few hours and Dustin, Lisa, Lotta and I took a boat trip over to Åland, Finland. Our favourite american had forgotten his passport at home, so we didn't dare to actually disembark - but we were in Finland and boats can be fun too.
Tax free-candy, a small café, laughter, kisses and the brisks of the ocean brought the extra energy into me. The view was gorgeous and the sun going down behind the small islands while the brisk wind played in the big waves is a picture I just want to save in a small box in my heart.
And that was that small adventure.

Sommarvärme, saltvattenstänk, glada miner och vinden blåste liv i ett sömnigt hjärta medan vi passerade de sötaste små öarna.

Tax free-godis, café, en liten tripp och en enastående utsikt - mys.

Och så var det med det lilla äventyret, puss.
Yesterday we waved goodbye to Sweden for a few hours and Dustin, Lisa, Lotta and I took a boat trip over to Åland, Finland. Our favourite american had forgotten his passport at home, so we didn't dare to actually disembark - but we were in Finland and boats can be fun too.
Tax free-candy, a small café, laughter, kisses and the brisks of the ocean brought the extra energy into me. The view was gorgeous and the sun going down behind the small islands while the brisk wind played in the big waves is a picture I just want to save in a small box in my heart.
And that was that small adventure.