I have arrived
"Wear this as you aim for the stars and believe in your abilities. When you are there, know that you have arrived. Enjoy the view and keep climbing!"

Carlsbad. Lägenheten är i ett upppacknings-kaos, internetet fungerar äntligen och jag söker jobb så att det ryker om mig. Med en och annan paus på en blåsig strand. Snart ska ni få höra mer om både Carlsbad och New York, puss.
I have arrived:
"Wear this as you aim for the stars and believe in your abilities. When you are there, know that you have arrived. Enjoy the view and keep climbing!"
Carlsbad. The apartment is in an unpacking-chaos, the internet is finally working and I am applying for job after job. With one or two breaks on a windy beach. I'll tell you more about both Carlsbad and New York in a few, kiss.