Million faces
Who knows just what the future holds
All I want to know is
All I want to know is
if it's with you

Det är människors likheter såväl som olikheter som enar, var inte så rädd för att vara dig.
Ps. I dag bet kylan hårdare än tidigare, men träden är så vackra att hjärtat smälter. Glöm inte att le.
It's what people have in common as well as what we don't that unite, don't be so afraid to be you.
Ps. Today was colder than earlier this fall, but the trees are so beautiful that your heart melts. Don't forget to smile.

Om att lära
Gick från ett blossande ansikte i 60 watts-saler till rosiga kinder i höstsolens ljus. Ibland krävs höstträdens sprakande färger för att man ska vakna till. För hur roligt skulle det vara om man kunde allt från början?

About learning:
Went from a blushing face in 60 Watt's rooms to rosy cheeks in the light of the late fall's sun. Sometimes you need the burning colors of the trees to wake up. Because how boring would it be if you knew everything right from the start?
And we will be free.
Tog mig i kragen och var världens modigaste. Nu vänner, nu är det nära.
And we will be free:
Pulled myself together and was the bravest in the world. Now friends, now it is close.
They'll fulfill our dreams and we'll be free

Ett leende smittar. Förstår ni inte?
A smile is contagious. Don't you understand?

Helgen då. Prinsesstårta, present och planering av framtida äventyr. Vaknade av att solen sken in genom fönstret morgonen därpå, åt långfrukost och köpte en bok om ett skrivbord. Avslutade en lång resa, drack öl till värmeljus och var mest glad. Glad i huvudet, glad i kroppen och glad i livet.
Och så en söndagsbild.

Fina helgen. Puss
The weekend:
So, the weekend. Princess cake, present and plans of a future adventure. The sun beams found their way all the way into my bed the next morning, I ate a long breakfast and bought a book about a desk. Finished a long journey, drank beer to tea lights and was pretty much just happy. Happy thoughts, happy body, happy life.
Also, a Sunday picture.
Lovely weekend. Kiss
En dag i Stockholm

En dag i Stockholm. Planera livet hand i hand, ta sig in i borgar, leta, skratta, unna sig, hitta och vara.
A day i Stockholm:
A day in Stockholm. Plan life hand in hand, sneak into castles, search, laugh, indulge yourself, find and just being.
Let me learn from where I have been
Aldrig har det känns viktigare att göra ett intryck. Någon sa att man måste vara människan, i dag försökte jag. Hjärtat krymper lite varje gång de öppnar munnen, men man måste fortsätta. Markera, förklara, visa alternativ. Hoppas, hoppas att kanske något stannar kvar. Att något fönster öppnas. Att en liten glimta av ljus tar sig in för att stanna. För att spridas.
Keep the earth below my feet
For all my sweat, my blood runs weak
Let me learn from where I have been
Keep my eyes to serve, my hands to learn
Keep my eyes to serve, my hands to learn
For all my sweat, my blood runs weak
Let me learn from where I have been
Keep my eyes to serve, my hands to learn
Keep my eyes to serve, my hands to learn
Let me learn from where I have been:
It has never felt more importan to make an impact. Someone said that you have to be the human, today I tried. My heart shrinks a little bit every time they open their mouths, but you have to keep trying. Mark, explain, show options. Hoping, hoping that maybe something sticks. That a window opens. That a glimps of light enters to stay. To be spread.
Keep the earth below my feet
For all my sweat, my blood runs weak
Let me learn from where I have been
Keep my eyes to serve, my hands to learn
Keep my eyes to serve, my hands to learn
For all my sweat, my blood runs weak
Let me learn from where I have been
Keep my eyes to serve, my hands to learn
Keep my eyes to serve, my hands to learn
One of those days...

Don't let your heart grow cold

Fall at its best.
I går var den kallaste dagen den här hösten, ändå var jag varmare än någonsin. Jag hoppas att ni vet vad ni betyder.
Yesterday was the coldest day this fall, but I was warmer than ever. I hope you know what you mean to me.